When Dishonesty Laughs!!
Laughter takes the tyranny of the lies we are told and told and told and it blows them apart. Your company qualifies for a government tender, it is a crucial project that requires teamwork and cooperation. Your senior, instead of leading the team and guiding them, takes advantage of the situation. He would delegate all the challenging tasks to you, knowing that you would complete them with utmost sincerity. You, being unaware of your senior’s deceit, accept the tasks eagerly, believing that it is an opportunity to showcase your abilities. You work day and night to ensure the project's success. As the project progresses, your senior starts taking credit for all the achievements and successes, conveniently neglecting to acknowledge your contributions. He would present your work to the higher-ups, emphasizing his own efforts while downplaying your significant role. And every time he laughs at you. In that laugh, he is downplaying your contribution, your efforts and honesty. Despit