The Money Heist, one of the most loveable series worldwide, taught us not only about friendship and the bond that we share with our peers but also about the trust, the faith that we put on each other. Throughout the series, we saw how the Professor protects each and every teammate, like a lioness protect its cub. Before Tokyo died, she told Professor that he had always been her “guardian angel.” This clearly shows how much she respect and admire him. 

Some traditions say that every one of us has a guardian angel, who stays with us the moment we are born till the time of our death. Warren Faidley beautifully puts it like this, “An angel believed to have special care of a particular individual I'm still around, someone once told me, because I have at least one diligent guardian angel who watches over me”.

This is one side of a coin. The supernatural side. The other side has got human touch. It is just we have to be watchful enough to identify our guardian angel. The guardian angel who is simple, compassionate, trustworthy, faithful, loyal, adorable and always protective. You do not have to take the aid of words or messages or any emoji. This angel solely works on telepathy. This sounds supernatural too... but that’s how it works. 

Non- verbal communication becomes an important pillar of your relation with the guardian angel. Because it is just the pure emotion that is being sent and received. Dale Carnegie, once said, “When dealing with people remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotions”. It’s the emotion, the bond that you both share makes the relationship stronger. You know what’s makes this relationship special? Selflessness. The courage to choose what is best for you. The demonstration of kindness and compassionate concern for you. 

The guardian angel find pleasure in your accomplishments. It stands by you in the time of difficulties and hardships. The angel wants to see you achieve your dreams even if that goal hardly amuses them. It wants to see you happy. When the world is asleep, it is that angel who prays for your success and happiness. It is always in a state of watchful ambivalence. No matter where you are, with whom you are, it will make sure of your safety and security. Your guardian angel gives you hope. It brings happiness in your life. You draw your strength from that angel. Your guardian angel is the source of your optimism and power.

Life throws various challenges, sometimes, you go astray. You have nowhere to go, no path to lead, you are in a state of abyss, become a person who has lost all the hope of rising again. It is at that moment, magic happens. Your guardian angel brings light in your life, lifts your spirit from the darkness, helps you in leading the path that you seek. It helps you in giving meaning to your life again. 

But the beauty of this relationship lies in how much you respect your guardian angel. How much energy and generosity you invest in building your strong relationship with the angel. Always be conscious of their presence. They are the special gift sent to you by God to guide you, protect you, to help you in times of your need. Think of them as divine life coaches. Your guardian angel know everything about you. There is no need to give explanations or provide any details of your situations. They already know it. Appreciate their love, support, care and kindness. Thank them. Ever in doubt? Just call your angel. The angel is just one call away. The angels has answers to all your questions. No matter what the situation is, the angel is always there for you.

( Thank you Guardian Angel for always being there for me ).


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